hey guys !
emm..my birthdayy is coming !
waa ! i'm so excited and nervous!
waa ! i'm so excited and nervous!
nak tau? my birthday adalah hari yang dengan game which is known as angkasa peringkat kebangsaan.
haha. hopefully, dengan date tu fara ade luck and rezeki untuk menang.
date tu bile? okay..its on 5 may !
hehe. and i my age will turn to 17 years old.
and fact i need to know is i'm getting older and SPM is coming closer to me. xD
oh ! for your information, the game date is on 4-6 may 2012 which will be held in cheras. :D
and my wish for birthdayy this year are :-
+won the angkasa game in cheras.
+celebrate my birthdayy at pizza or kfc near cheras ( i will treat you all) come la ! :D haha. kalau ade rezeki ade la fara blanje.kalau ta, nasib badan la..hehe..
(gurau senda): kalau rase terlebih pemurah tu bagi ar bnde alah nie kat fara.
haha..lame dah mengidam. xD bagi salah 1 un da cukup. hahaa..

haha..jangan harap la ye fara..berangan je dulu..tak de sape na bagi ko bende mahal cam nie..
and after back from the game,
fara nak buat :-
daftar lesen kereta.
haha..even lesen motor pun tak de.tapi tak buat dah lesen motor..
terus amik lesen kereta je..
parent ta bagi..risau fara merempit agaknye.hehe..
okay lar...i got to go. hehe..da maghrib..parent mara da ta kua bilik je nie..
daaa ! chows !
p/s - na tau? ade orang nak kenekan fara on my birthdayy nanti..
sabo je la..haha..harap2 la kedai tepung n telur tutup time tu.haha..
ye kak wani?