segmen kali nie fara na share pasal brg2 yg mmg fara akn bli 1 ari nnti..
1 ari nnti la..beli bile ta taw agi..hahaha..
kat cni ade top 3 things yg mmg fara na gile2..

aww.. i love this dslr..
smart!!cool!! n i love snapping picture!
want this!!!

love this phone b'cause can text using qwerty or just can touch directly just like iphone..i love the application and this phone function..
so,N97 got second place on 5 most wanted things in my life 4 now...

And finally..i really2 want this persian cat..cute!!!!
comel lol...ase nye fara will get this cat dalam masa yg trdekat..
hoorayy!!! :D
segmen kali nie fara na share pasal brg2 yg mmg fara akn bli 1 ari nnti..
1 ari nnti la..beli bile ta taw agi..hahaha..
kat cni ade top 3 things yg mmg fara na gile2..

aww.. i love this dslr..
smart!!cool!! n i love snapping picture!
want this!!!

love this phone b'cause can text using qwerty or just can touch directly just like iphone..i love the application and this phone function..
so,N97 got second place on 5 most wanted things in my life 4 now...

And finally..i really2 want this persian cat..cute!!!!
comel lol...ase nye fara will get this cat dalam masa yg trdekat..
hoorayy!!! :D